x86 平台编译

x86 编译器

构建 x86 平台编译器非常方便,并且仅和您的平台的 gcc 相关。更为完整的配置脚本的参数,请查看 配置参数

在 Haiku 的源码目录,执行下属命令。(请确保调整参数以适应您的构建系统。)


gcc2 是 R1 阶段默认的构建选择,它与 BeOS 保持二进制兼容性,能够允许原生的二进制 BeOS 应用在 Haiku 上面运行。

./configure --build-cross-tools x86_gcc2 ../buildtools


gcc4 是 R1 之后的默认构建选择。gcc4 并不提供完整的 BeOS 二进制兼容性,但是受益于更为现代化的编译工具链。

./configure --build-cross-tools x86 ../buildtools

gcc2h/gcc4h 混合构建

Haiku 可以构建为混合的镜像,也就意味着它同时包涵 gcc2 和 gcc4 的二进制文件。更多信息可以查看 /guides/混合gcc 页面。

x86 Haiku 构建

These builds require a valid x86 compiler toolset (see above), and might also need additional software packages installed – see the pre-requisite software page for more details.


This is the most basic build, it generally is good for quickly testing the OS after making modifications as it doesn’t contain a lot of extra applications. Be sure to modify -j2 with the number of cpu cores on your build system to ensure the fastest build times.

jam -q -j2 @image


This is the default nightly image build target. This contains a complete system with an included compiler. Be sure to modify -j2 with the number of cpu cores on your build system to ensure the fastest build times.

jam -q -j2 @nightly-raw